Saturday, June 23, 2007

Interview with L.T. Jeyachandran

By Ranee Quirey Published 10/2/2005

How did you come to know the Lord?

I was 19 years old when I grappled with issues of morality. I realized that I was in need of God's forgiveness. That led me to search and seek for answers. I had been fascinated in my studies in engineering, mathematics and physics. We had meaningful interactions that led us to asking questions related to our faith.

In fact, I encourage people that the best way to learn is to ask questions of those with whom you are sharing the Gospel, about their own belief system - that teaches you alot.

How do you connect with God on a daily basis?

I spend my time using a book of hymns, followed by a book of poems written by a Christian but based on secular living. What may be unusual is I do not distinguish between the devotional and Bible study. Generally, we are taught that "quiet times" and "Bible study" are distinct from each other. Having grown up in an integrated environment, I have applied the principles in my Christian walk. I do not separate the secular from the spiritual. Therefore, I have found integrating the devotional and academic essential, making no attempts to separate the two.

Who are your mentors?

Two gentlemen - one is my father-in-law, who is a doctor and an ordained minister. The other is a gentleman in his 70's who works for FES. Both of them encouraged me in my world of work, and the thought of the corn of wheat, which is essentially the principle of dying to self and living for Christ - I was God's ambassador right there in the engineering field.

Could you describe what your ministry entails?

Our main interest is to fulfill the Lord's commandment through the Great Commission, for which we employ the method of apologetics. How do we practically do this? We train the believers. We conduct direct open forums, making a presentation of the Gospel at pre-evangelistic meetings, providing a Christian worldview.

Should everyone be involved in Apologetics?

Philippians 1:7 suggests that all believers are to be partakers in the defense of the Gospel. However, it is not necessary for everyone to employ the methodology of apologetics. Apologetics is useful for all believers, but not everyone needs to be involved in it.

What are the keys to fulfilling the Great Commission?

We need to develop a genuine concern for people. We need to be more people-oriented versus program-oriented. We seem to be far more interested in the methodology, gadget and media aspects of the programs. This causes fragmentation. W e seem to have reduced Christianity to a whole lot of formulas for problem solving. I think life is far more complex than that.

We are far more complex than that. It requires being involved and relating one to another. Some of the methods are useful, but I normally suggest using the broad Biblical pattern, then let each person work out his or her own technique - there are some very good books on this subject. I think we have a weakness in this particular area - choosing quick fixes, versus allowing God to work through each one of us patiently. God takes His time. I believe very much in being committed to God and to His people.

Could you share your secrets of savouring life?

I have been very much fascinated with God and His people. Consider how He is intimately involved in all of life's affairs - the beauty of the Creator and His Creation. I have often used humour in daily living - humour is a part of the image of God, and I believe that God has made all things for us enjoy.

What would you advise our readers?

I would encourage them to embark on a journey of searching and seeking God.

Dave: LT has given the following messages at CDPC, which are good reads from the perspective of someone with extensive experience conversing with Muslims and Hindus in India and around the world.

What is God Like?
What is Truth?
Why Christ Alone?

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